
Squareness is a suite of skins for different applications and operating systems.

Squareness is minimalistic and flat looking. It uses only two 3D effects to set off pressed controls and grippers on scrollbars. The colors of the original theme are bright and creamy, but different color themes can be created with the Colorizer tool.

12-Mar-2006 Squareness Look And Feel 2.2.0

This release contains more performance improvements for TabbedPanes and integrates the newest and significantly changed version of Laf_Plugin. It's also a release that will work with JDK 1.4

30-Dec-2005 Squareness Look And Feel 2.1.0

This is the last major release for JDK 1.4 and earlier. It integrates Laf_Plugin about which I have already written in my personal blog

21-Dec-2005 DevBlog

I've added a Development Blog to this site. On this blog I'll post all kinds of information and progress reports about the development of all the different skins and tool around Squareness.

The blogging software I'm using here is Wordpress. The theme is mostly done. There are some rough edges left that will be fixed soon.

12-Oct-2005 Squareness for PalmRevolt 1.0.4

Thanks to Andrew Bazylyuk from 3GX Software for this bugfix, which greatly improves the look of pushbuttons placed side by side.

Andrew is the developer of PalmRevolt and has been very helpful in the creation of the PalmRevolt port of Squareness.

06-Oct-2005 Squareness for PalmRevolt 1.0.3

This is a little bugfix.

  • I've misread a passage in PalmRevolts skin documentation. It's really a requirement that all images have even heights and widhts. I fixed that and some strange bugs are gone now.
  • The background color of the title bars and the window were slightly different on the Palm screeen although the images used the same color. Palm seemed to use different formulas for the conversion.
  • Buttons now have a transparent 1 pixel border around them. So they now look good in the date picker and other places.
02-Oct-2005 PalmRevolt skin

I've created a Squareness skin for PalmRevolt, a skinning tool for Palm OS. Head over to the PalmRevolt section for more informations.

02-Oct-2005 New Website

I've redesigned part of the website. The front page changed the most - you'll see all the news concerning Squareness on this page. I'm also planning to add a developer diary later, so you'll see what happens between the updates.

Also new is the website generator used. Till now I was using Forrest, but that became too tedious. Now I'm using fmpp, which is much more straight forward.